This is not our office….

This is.

What’s been said. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

We say; “Don’t get killed.”

Every company knows they have to innovate to survive and move even faster under volatile market conditions. Figuring out where to go is hard enough, getting there is even harder. The way is fraught with uncertainty and unknowns. Yet move you must. 

We’ve been there. We’ve done it. We’ve learned something about what it takes to succeed.

Innovation as a Service. We can help. 





founder / principal

  • Creative problem solver with a sustained track record of commercializing innovative technologies.

  • Key accomplishments highlight an intuitive grasp of technology, market insight and business acumen.

  • Proven ability to identify and execute on strategic market opportunities as a corporate entrepreneur and startup veteran. Specific expertise in vertical growth strategies and capital equipment.

  • Extensive international and cross-cultural experience to lead highly productive development teams.

  • Leading product innovation for a wide range of industries including semiconductor, electronics, aerospace, automotive, telcom, lighting, energy, etc.

  • Technologies include lasers, software, advanced materials, optics, sensors, MEMS/VCSEL, integrated vision systems, industrial automation, manufacturing processes.

  • Harvard - computer science

  • Northeastern - engineering, physics

  • Michigan State - engineering, music

creativity counts…

The name…

"Bau" is German for "building" something and pronounced "bow" as in "now".

"Novus" is Latin for "new".

BauNovus : Building something new at the intersection of opportunity and creativity.